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Al Schaefer (ltkettch17)
Tournament Report - Tr
2015-06-07 - 11:00 AM
Irregular Rescue 1.2L
I was looking forward to Tribbles more than 2E for Masters. That was, until, we sat down to play and after the first few trips around the table I knew there wouldn't be much I could do to win. My inability to have the right value tribble at every opportunity to play was mostly to blame, but the stale meta of Tribbles has reached it's zenith and that pretty much resulted in a wasted effort.

Round 1 ()
Like I mentioned above, my opening hand had everything but a 1K Tribble. So everytime it was my turn, I needed a 1K and just couldn't draw it. Moskop played a Masaka and Nat ended the round quickly.

Round 2 ()
I did draw into a 1K this round and played a Sabotage to target Jeremy's deck which turned into a Utilize that I scored 100K off John with. Another Masaka and a quick end to the round by Nat, but the scores were still very low.

Round 3 ()
I think I played two cards this round and Hayes Killed my 10K Quadruple even though two other players had 100K's showing. Real nice. Maggie went out with 400K after someone Poisoned her. She played, discarded, or Battled into at least a couple Antidotes at this point and yet people were still trying to Poison her. "Tribble-sense" apparently does not exist.

Round 4 ()
I forget what happened this round, but it was pretty obvious that Jeremy's deck contained only 1's and 10's and was literally 1-Go, 10-Utilize/Toxin/Poison. I held back my Discards because of the Toxins, but I was running out of time to score some points and needed to go out. I decided to save my 'move' for the final round as this round ended quickly as well and only Maggie had any significant score.

Round 5 ()
I had a good size discard pile and a decent hand that included 100K Discard and 1K Discard and decided to finally play the Discard with the hope of going out before Jeremy could lay down a Toxin. But Maggie passed on her turn allowing him to play 1 Go, 10 Toxin, then Nat followed with 100 Copy/Toxin and before you know it I'm drawing a lot more cards than I'm playing. Round and round we go and I can't cut my hand size but I'm giving out points via Toxin and other players scores are at least going up. Moskop played another Masaka and the round ended quickly there after, but I was still short of the top half.

Closing Thoughts
Tribble's is a fun game to play when everyone is going for achievements. When trying to win, the game takes on a totally different element and becomes relatively un-fun. The game definitely needs a re-boot to fix some of the issues. Limits on powers would go a long way, max/mins on values regarding deck size would help too. It's probably going to take more work to fix the game than anyone is willing to spend, so we'll all just have to deal with it or stop playing. All things considered, I did earn a Spock IDIC foil which was very cool and I ultimately had a good time this weekend. Thanks again to Michael for organizing and running the events.