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Kris Sonsteby (LORE)
Tournament Report - Tr Tribbles
2012-03-03 - 03:00 PM
Hey, Ron... I'm Riding a Furry Tractor!
Having 7 players at Final Resolution for Tribbles meant we split up into a table of 3 and a table of 4, which in turn allowed everyone to score over 250k!

Round 1 ()
Steve's Rescue deck barfed over 500k into his play pile, so he basically locked up the tournament after 1 round.

Round 2 ()
Steve went out again for another 300k, all but assuring he would score a million in the match.

Round 3 ()
In a super long round, Dan and I took turns poisoning and toxining Steve's 100k Tribbles before I went out for another 300k to make it interesting.

Round 4 ()
I went out in a lighting round for 100k to close the gap, while Dan continued to quietly Poison for huge point totals.

Round 5 ()
Dan went out for only 11k, but in doing so denied Steve his chance to top a million despite having over that in his play pile in round 3 alone.