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William Hoskin (Gumbo)
Tournament Report - 2E - North American Continentals Side Event
2012-08-17 - 03:00 PM
DominionKlingonID Draft Klingon/Dominion
I am fairly happy with my HQs getting KLingons and Dominion but am amazed when I open a pack and get Kruge. How many ships did I commandeer do you ask..... the answer is at the end of the report.

Round 1RomulanNon-AlignedSean O'ReillyML (-5)
Played Sean and made a huge mistake almost straight away. I play christening and download the Olara and play it. BIG MISTAKE if Sean plays the Olarra I can't commandeer it. The next turn Sean plays his Olarra. we both draw and play a fair few people but Sean gets a mission and I realise that I am a skill short for my mission but can't afford to waste the turn to fly back and get them so after getting some more dilemas under I go home and go back to the wrong mission. BIFG MISTAKE number 2 turns a TT into a FL. enjoyed the game even though I clearly had forgotten how to play. GG

Round 2CardassianKlingonNeal LawsonFW (+70)
Against Neal I didn't make the same mistakes. I D/L an attack ship and draw and play some people. I have Kruge in my hand with a battle event after my second turn. after another couple of turns and after checking my skills I fly out and attempt a mission and get stopped easily. On my second attempt I complete and head to my second mission where I get stopped easily. 1 more attempt at my second mission and I power through Neals dilemma selections for the win. I think Neal would have completed his Space mission next turn and have gone to Planet so that I could have used Kruge. GG

Round 3DS9Jeremy BenedictFL (-35)
By this point I was desperate to get Kruge to capture a ship and have just the weapon in my opening hand. Dominion Battleship. I get the staffing out and more people and Jeremy goes Space first. after 2 attempts I get a clown Go away on the mission and Jeremy goes away to a planet mission. Now is my chance all i need to do is stop him on the planet and then Kruge can come out to play. What happens, Jeremy blasts through my planet dilemmas and completes the mission then 6 people beam up and I silently scream to myself. Completing a mission in one go is difficult how could I let him. Too far for me to come back from that. GG